
What has been going on?!



Its My New twitter... Follow me there.... Pics are up there too! :D


Pin ups and stuff....

Just some pin-ups that I drew during breaks of my homework. I can tell I'm getting rusty and I need a little more practice.... I still like me tho.. Maybe improved versions in the future...who knows.

Enjoy :)



Herro! Um.....I know that its been a minute since I updated and all. So I guess I'll start with the pictures then I'll explain everything else.

First pic: Not the red baron by Tori Amos was the inspiration for the first picture... The few lines I had been inspired from was this:

"Many there know some girls with red ribbons/ The prettiest red ribbons "

So I drew a lil girl with red ribbons....Did you know that song is about AIDS? LOL I didn't figure that out til I read it up.

Second Pic: Um.....This pic was just Random..... I honestly wanted to make another "Hot Momma" Card to stick on the ladies room (which I haven't figure out how to design it yet) And this came up.....LMAO!

UPDATE!.........The site isn't really gonna be up anytime soon nor commissions will be taken..... School is the most important priority right now and you will only get the Index cards for now.... Uh.... that's it :p


Two gals and I dunno what is taking so long

First, I would like to apologize to the people that I had promised pictures to. Ran into some problems...but they will be done soon... School will be in soon so I have no choice. LMAO!

Second, commissions was tossed to the back burner so long that I dunno when I'll open, so apologize for that too :(

Third: Pictures.. Enjoy them... I haven't updated in a minute :)


Colored pics of Girl w/ Dreads and Panda

Colored pics...OK...So the shop WILL be up soon! :D Officially next week, Friday earliest ^_^ ...So that's about it ^_^ Links will be up soon and all that jazz. Anywho... Enjoy ^_^


Dancing Guy :D

just a quick sketch I did.....Man I need to put more updates up but meh... I have none.. Enjoy the guy ^_^


A Demon, A Panda and a Girl.....

Uh... So my Manga pens are dried up... :( I need to get some new ones... So now I have even MORE setbacks :/
Takin a risk.. No water marks :p Noticed? Oh and I really like the girl... Imma draw more dreads...:D

might throw some color on them later...But I like the lines, ya know?

Enjoy ^_^