
Updates and stuff.......

The website isn't going to be done for quite a while. :p So....Til then. I WON'T be taking comissions until later on. I do have an e-mail that you can contact me on, but I'll put it up later also..... I need to get established first. Sorry for the delay.

This is a pic that I did recently. I don't like the extreme highlights in her hair, now that I look at it. Imma stick to the softer highlights instead. And yes... I was lasy on the plant, I know... :p But who cares. Enjoy anyhow :D


Update to show I are not dead

I know that its been, like, 2 weeks. I have to say, having dial up is the fuckin pits and I can't show my work like I want to. You guys settle for this picture for now... I have better works now, but Like I said, I can't put them up at the moment. There are people I want to see the work 1st be fore I decide to post the good shit

I will also soon set up shop to take commissions. I will have all of that soon as I can. But right now, nothing is being done.

The next time I update will be the day that I will start straightening things out. :)


Panda Lines and updates.

Hi Hi! :D Here is the lines to the Panda (which I love so much more than the colored one ^_^) I marked it.... I'll be doin this for now on... Makes me feel a little better. LOL

Asfor the comment made on my last post, Yes.... I am Working on another Chibi, BUT I'm taking another approach to it.